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In our latest 2-minute Q&A, we ask Roshna Mohan, our Hotcourses India content writer four questions to hear her insights on what institutions can do to better engage with prospective students from India.

Topics covered include:

  • Most effective messaging to drive student interest on Hotcourses India

  • Recommended platforms to maximise interest from prospective Indian students

  • How to use alumni to attract more interest from prospective Indian students

Attracting close to 4m users over the last 12 months, Hotcourses India is the number one research website for prospective students considering their study abroad options. Roshna shares her insights for engaging with this actively researching audience to help guide institutions.

Enjoyed this article? Read our other 2-minute Q&A for content tips on engaging with the Turkey student market.

Q&A: engaging Indian students

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Franki Clemens
Franki Clemens19 July 2022